Join us for an experience of a lifetime!
Join us on one of our trips to villages deep in the Ecuadorian rainforest. We welcome individuals, families, church groups, colleges, and clubs alike. Experience a National Geographic-like trip while immersing yourself in a new culture and meeting the most amazing people; all the while, touching lives through your service and building relationships via our various program-themed trips. By coming to the rainforest, you help to meet the needs of the remote indigenous peoples. You may find that you learn more from them, than they do from us, as we all work together to help meet their needs and requests. For more info about going on a trip or to join a trip click the button below!

Waiver of Liability
The person registered and participating in any trip or event hosted by Come to the Rainforest (CTTR) at any of its trips/event locations does so at his or her own risk. CTTR will not be liable for any injury sustained nor will CTTR be responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of participation in/on one of its trips/events at any of its event locations. Registration for any CTTR event at any of its trip/event locations will automatically mean that the registrant and/or parent accepts this policy and will not hold CTTR liable for any injury sustained as a result of participation in a trip or event at any of the trip/event locations.